A people of power and energy!
Ephesians 1:18-21
“The mighty strength God used when He raised Christ from the dead.” This strength, this energy is available to us! God’s energy…available to us! The Greek word to describe the mighty strength which God used when He raised Jesus from the dead is “energeia,” which means energy, vitality, dynamism, and being effective.
Some agents which God uses to show His energy.
Number 1. The Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word of God is energetic, and when we receive it into our lives it energises us! Think of the times when you have been down, or harassed, or needed guidance, and this Book has encouraged you. God has given you a special Scripture and you have become energised! You’re going through a hard time and God prompts a verse like, “I will never, ever leave you nor forsake you,” and you think, “Yes, that’s right, I am encouraged by that! That gives me energy to carry on!”
Number 2. Prayer. James 5:16. Never underestimate what you do when you pray. You take the wonderful promises of God and they become alive as you embrace them by prayer. They are energised through prayer.
Isaiah 40:30. As you wait upon God in that time of prayer, you will feel like you can rise up, with wings as eagles.
Number 3: Love. Ephesians 4:16 talks about the Body of Christ growing and building itself up in love. Our faith is energised through love. I played at the funeral of a 93-year-old. She touched so many lives because of her love and her passion for God! She was at a Rest Home and she would send WhatsApp messages to her grandchildren, letting them know that she was interested in all that they were doing, and giving them encouraging Bible verses. If you want to be a powerful and energetic Christian, be a loving Christian.
Where does God show this mighty power and energy?
Number 1: In us who believe. In Ephesians 1:19 we read that the power at work in us is the same as the mighty strength and huge energy God used when He raised Christ from the dead. I find that mind-boggling! Ephesians 3:20. No longer are we held by the powers of sin and darkness, but His resurrection power is in us each day, as daily we work it out in our lives.
How do we work it out in our lives?
Knowing that death is not the end. 1 Corinthians 15:5
By daily taking up our Cross and following Jesus. C.T. Studd: “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” So, if Jesus died for me, of course I can help that young mother who needs a hand with a bit of baking, or helping out with the children. If Jesus died for me, then of course I can help that person who’s shifting house and needs a meal handed in, or a help with the shift. If Jesus died for me then of course I can financially support that World Vision child in Bangladesh. If Jesus died for me, of course I can take time to pray for others. That’s powerful! That’s energetic!
In the life of the Church. Ephesians 4 tells us that He gave the people of the church different gifts, so that the Body of Christ may be built up. So, as we meet together here, and different people use their different gifts, He chooses to release His energy into us ordinary people here at Drury Presbyterian Church. He focuses His energy on us (like a magnifying glass concentrating the sun’s heat on to a piece of paper). His grace, His power, His love, His compassion, are all focused on you! When we leave, we should be energised by the encouragement we have received during the time of prayer, the praise through the music, and hearing the Word of God. Psalm 103:1 “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name.” Not a half of what is within me, or a quarter of what is within me, but ALL that is within me! That gives us an exciting view of coming to church! So, as we share together at church and over a cup of coffee afterwards, there is that mutual concern for each other and people are encouraged and energised.
Summary: God’s power and energy are available to us through prayer, His word, and love in action.
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