A people of power and energy! – Alison Johnston

A people of power and energy! Ephesians 1:18-21 “The mighty strength God used when He raised Christ from the dead.” This strength, this energy is available to us! God’s energy…available to us! The Greek word to describe the mighty strength which God used when He...

Man of Sorrows – Alison Johnston

Man of Sorrows “Man of sorrows, wondrous name for the Son of God who came.” As we approach Easter, it would be good to look at the Old Testament “Man of Sorrows,” Jeremiah, and the New Testament “Man of Sorrows,” Jesus. Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-10 The Bible is a book of...

New Foundations – Sue Dickens

New Foundations Trust Mission Our mission is to help the “At Risk” young people to turn around their lives and reach the true potential that each one has within them. To be “The fence at the top of the cliff that will stop the young people from falling off and needing...

Compassion – Alison Johnston

Compassion Matthew 15:29-39 Compassion. Greek: “Splagchnizomai!” It means ‘to be deeply moved, to be filled with compassion.’ It literally means “to be moved right inside your intestines.” “Gut-wrenching.”  Jesus’ compassion, or “splagchnizomai” is shown in three...

Things to Remember in 2023 – Alison Johnston

  Things to remember in 2023 Psalms 103:2 In many places the Bible tells us to remember. Deuteronomy 8:2, Psalm 77:11, Acts 20:35 Two ways the Bible talks about God’s memory: Number 1: The Rainbow. Genesis 9:16 God is faithful to His promises! He has promised...