Hebrews 13:5,6
Psalm 37: 23,24
“If he falls, he will not be cast down.”
A sense of failure is different to failing at something. We all fail at things. But a constant sense of failure and regret can be crippling.
Reasons for having a sense of failure:
- Comparing ourselves with others. Romans 12- we all have different gifts. Timothy: “Fulfill your” Not someone else’s. This is very easy to do in this age of social media.
- We shouldn’t concentrate on the negative. Take a positive inventory of yourself. Psalm 139:14. “I am wonderfully made.” Eleanor Roosevelt wrote down all the positive things about herself. What would be on your checklist?
- We need to analyse the possible reasons for us failing at something. It could be laziness. Proverbs 24:31. A student should not pray for God’s help in an exam when he has done no study!
It could be a lack of perseverance. Hebrews 12:1. Someone who gives up easily will feel a sense of failure. As long as your goals are realistic, don’t give up!
What should we do when we fail or have regrets?
- Don’t let it depress you. The enemy loves to immobilise you, and when you dwell on it you become imprisoned. Romans 8:1 “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Jesus has set us free from the law of sin, death, negative feelings and self-condemnation.
- Use your experience positively. We can learn from our mistakes. Romans 8:28 It is for the good of our character. God wants us to be sanctified, and as we learn from our mistakes we are developing in character. The Holy Spirit, if we allow Him, is developing in us the fruits of long suffering and peace.
- Recognise God’s criteria for success. Matthew 25: The Parable of the Talents. “Well done good and faithful servant.” That is what counts to God. Have I been good and faithful in carrying out the things He has committed to me?
- God wants you to be fruitful, and He has good works for you to do. Ephesians 2:10. No matter how often we fail, He still has good works for us to do. That is part of the healing process when you are getting over a sense of failure and regret.
- We need to learn to depend on a God who will never, ever fail us nor forsake us. Hebrews 13:5. God is in the “pick-up” business. “Though he falls, he shall not be cast down.” If you are holding the hand of a toddler and he stumbles, your larger, stronger hand helps him to regain his balance.
John Campbell Sharp The Mighty Grasp.
I grasp Thy strength, make it my own
My heart with peace is blest;
I lose my hold and then come down darkness and cold unrest.
Let me no more my comfort draw from my frail hold on Thee;
In this alone rejoice with awe Thy mighty grasp of me!
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