Objections to following Christ Religion is a crutch for weaklings. I’m strong enough to get through this alone. What would people think of me if I became one of them? Religion is out of date and behind the times. Christians are hypocrites. Christianity is for children...
Things to remember in 2023 Psalms 103:2 In many places the Bible tells us to remember. Deuteronomy 8:2, Psalm 77:11, Acts 20:35 Two ways the Bible talks about God’s memory: Number 1: The Rainbow. Genesis 9:16 God is faithful to His promises! He has promised...
Christmas Peace Collossians 3:12,15 Matthew 10: 34-36 Number 1. A sword? Jesus certainly doesn’t mean a physical sword. Look at what he said to Peter when Peter cut off the ear of the servant of the High Priest: “Put your sword away, Peter! Those who use the sword...
Judgement Matthew 7:1-5 Issue of the “Vaxxed versus the unvaxxed” caused much division and judgement in society, even among Christians. Number 1. What are some of the factors related to judgement and criticism? It is a denial of the love described in 1 Corinthians 13....
SOME. - The most dangerous word in the english language. The Holy Spirit is not an inanimate idol. He is the communicator of vision and intention to all life for all life. We need to become envisioned. No one is left out of His loop. Job 34:14 For God...
The Will Romans 7: 15, 18b-19. We are created in the image of God, so our wills are part of the image of God in us. God has a will! Psalm 135:6 We have free wills. Revelations 3:20 We are free to open the door, or to keep it closed. Jesus has given us that freedom...
What is mankind? Who am I? Psalm 8 Verse 4 “Who am I?” Genesis 2:7 We are dust plus spirit. “God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” We are material, physical beings relating to a...
Walking with God. Hebrews 11:5,6 What a wonderful thing to have as an epitaph: “Enoch pleased God.” In the Bible there are some lovely commendations of people who have walked with God: Moses: in Deuteronomy 34:10: “A man whom the Lord knew face to face.” David: 1...
Sainthood 1 Peter 1: 13-16 The Biblical meaning: every Christian. The view of the Catholic Church: canonised, virtuous life, good works e.g., Mother Teresa Popular sense: “I need the patience of a saint!” Biblical meaning. Set apart into a relationship with God. “My...
Hebrews 13:5,6 Psalm 37: 23,24 “If he falls, he will not be cast down.” A sense of failure is different to failing at something. We all fail at things. But a constant sense of failure and regret can be crippling. Reasons for having a sense of failure: Comparing...